Therapy Services Offered in CT, DE, FL, GA, PA, NJ, NM, RI, VA,:
- Individual Counseling
- Premarital Counseling
- Couples Counseling
- Family Therapy
- Child, Tweens, Teen Therapy
- Play Therapy
- Art Therapy
ADHD Therapy, Affairs, Infidelity Therapy, Anger Management Therapy, Anxiety & Panic Attacks Therapy, Babyloss Therapy, Blended Family Therapy, Codependency Therapy, Compulsive Therapy, Cultural Sensitivity Therapy, Depression, Bipolar, Mood Disorders Therapy, Dyslexia Therapy, Eating Disorder Therapy, anorexia, bulimia, body dysmorphia, Functional Neurological Disorder FND Therapy, Grief & Loss , BabyLoss Therapy, Mindfulness Therapy, Parenting Therapy, Personality Disorder Therapy, Borderline, Narcissism, OCD Therapy, Sex Therapy, Self Esteem Therapy, Spirituality Therapy, Therapy for Seniors, Trauma Therapy, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse and complex trauma, Shame Therapy, Tourettes Therapy, LGBTQIA+ Queer Counseling Services, Relationship and Marital Problems
To identify which therapist to go to, use FIND A THERAPIST or search by LOCATIONs and/or read peoples BIOS
Therapy & Counseling Appointments can be self scheduled for In-Person or Virtual. To enroll in a support group, you must call 215-922-5683 x 100 (general intake line) then ext 111 (support group intake line). Prior to booking a therapy & counseling appointment, double check that the therapist is licensed in your state and In-Person or Virtual. If you need help determining which therapist is best for you, have an atypical time request, or have an unusual situation, call (215) 922-LOVE x 100 (5683 x 100) and speak to a therapist (sometimes we are all in session), you can also find each therapist's direct cell number next to their profile or call the founder of the organization Alex Robboy (267) 324-9564 to discuss your particular situation. Most therapists offer more hours than what is posted online. Some appointment time slots can only be scheduled by calling us. All therapist's cell numbers are listed by their bios.
Interested in registering for one of our Support Groups or Therapeutic Groups? Check out our calendar and call 215 922 5683 x 100 x 111 Groups can not be self scheduled.