YES - Youth Educational Empowerment Support Group Registration: 215-922-5683 x 100 x 111

The Child, Tweens and Teen Support groups are otherwise known as the YES group, Youth Empowerment Support group. These child, tweens and teen support groups, separated by age, each run for 10 consecutive weeks. Children, tweens and teens in the support group will learn how to safely navigate their presence online and on the internet, learn how to deal with social stressors, learn different coping strategies, they will work to increase their confidence and self-esteem, become better communicators, learn how to deal with peer pressure, identify strategies for affective conflict resolution, understand what empowerment is and how to apply the concept to their lives, and learn how to manage their daily stressors.

Location: 233 S. 6th Street, C-33
Philadelphia, PA 19106


School, Church, Community Center near you.
Call to discuss details

Cost: $125 per child for 10 week Child, Tween or Teen Support Group in Philadelphia

Registration: Call Christian Dozier, LPC (267) 297-1029 to schedule a 30 minute intake

Below are the topics of discussion for each child, tweens, teen support groups in Philadelphia concluded with the various techniques that will be utilized:

  • Online safety tools

  • Social Stressors and Coping Skills

  • Confidence/Self-Esteem Building Tools

  • Communication Skills

  • Peer Pressure Survival

  • Conflict Resolution Skills

  • Empowerment

  • Stress Management

Online Safety Tools: Children, Tweens, Teen Support Groups In Philadelphia

Children, tweens and teens have access to the world at their fingertips. This can be good for peer-to-peer interactions, learning purposes, and networking. Children, tweens and teens have adapted to the online culture and seek to be liked and accepted via “Likes” on their profiles and views from worldwide users. Teens can become dependent to this social connection, which in some instances can lead to isolation, depression, thoughts of suicide or homicide, lowered self-esteem, and affected confidence.

Not all content and social media on the internet is bad for children, tweens and teens. But be aware that children, tweens and teens are exposed to inappropriate language, content and targeted by adults through sextortion, sex trafficking, and other internet-based crimes.

Children, tweens and teens may not know how to properly keep themselves safe online and this group is here to help address some of these concerns. Teen Support group will help Teens identify their level of safety online and learn how to make safer choices in app and content that they post.

Social Stressors/Coping Skills: Children, Tweens, Teen Support Groups In Philadelphia

Teens have many social stressors in their daily lives. Sometimes it’s hard for adults to fathom how Teens struggle with their social happenings. Some adults may shrug it off thinking, “Oh they will get over it in time.” But in reality, it is how the child/teen learns how to adapt and cope with their social stressors that will shape them into the adult they will grow to be.

On top of developmental changes, children are aware of the social issues that are occurring in our society. They may learn about them from television, peers, their parents, teachers, news, overhearing discussion, etc. Some Teens are not sure how to process the information they are given and do not have the skills to appropriately cope with what they learned. For instance, when there is a school shooting, some children develop an intense fear response and can isolate themselves at home believing that is the only safe space for them. Other children may appear to shrug it off thinking the acts are normal due to the heightened violence in the areas in which they live.

Teen Support group allows Teens to have the space to process their thoughts and feelings about social stressors from daily peer interactions to social tragedies. Teens will get the support they need to learn how to cope.

Confidence/Self-Esteem Builder: Children, Tweens, Teen Support Groups In Philadelphia

Teens are going through physical and emotional changes, adjustments to new schools, classes, neighborhoods, and so on. Sometimes Teens feel as if they don’t fit in, that they are not smart enough, not good enough, not pretty/handsome enough, not athletic enough, and so on. These thoughts can hinder confidence and self-esteem.

Teen Support group dives into the issues that prevent Teens from realizing their own potential. Teen Support group also helps Teens identify their strengths and their positive attributes.

Communication Skills: Children, Tweens, Teen Support Groups In Philadelphia

Teens feel more comfortable chatting online than they do in person. This is the age of technology…with the advancement of tech, comes the neglect of sociability. Also, Teens feel more empowered when they are an anonymous entity online. In that instance, they believe they can say, do and respond to online conversations without consequence.

Some Teens don’t have the skills to listen to, evaluate, and respond to people who have opposing views. Some Teens don’t know what it means to be respectful while conversing with others. Some Teens do not know how to actively listen while communicating. These are all valuable attributes to learn to communicate effectively.

The Teen Support group is held in person to reconnect Teens to discussing topics, thoughts, and learning home to communicate in the face of confrontation, become active listeners and evaluate the information being presented. Teen Support group creates the space for its members to grow in the areas of communication.

Peer Pressure: Children, Tweens, Teen Support Groups In Philadelphia

Teens fall prey to peer pressure because they want to fit in. When Teens experience peer pressure, they tend to do and act in ways that are uncharacteristic of who they are. These behaviors are reinforced when peers show praise, and give affirming emotional responses, as well as acceptance to the peer being pressured. Examples of this are dressing, speaking, and acting in ways that they believe are acceptable to their peers. If peers don’t comply with the peer pressure, sometimes they are teased, bullied, and may lose friendships.

There are positive forms of peer pressure such as pressuring a peer to do the right thing, to study, to tell the truth about something, etc. In these instances, peers are pressuring their peers to do something positive and this can have positive effects.

Members of the Teen Support group will learn how to identify the signs of negative and positive peer pressure and learn how to navigate each type.

Conflict Resolution skills: Children, Tweens, Teen Support Groups In Philadelphia

Teens can learn how to resolve conflicts by modeling effective conflict resolution from parents, teachers, and other adults the child/teen have access to. Some maladaptive ways children express conflict resolution is over talking during the conflict, becoming very angry, yelling, hitting, curing, and crying uncontrollably.

Teen Support group will help Teens learn how to step back from the situation to evaluate what is happening, cool down, take turns listening and speaking, and coming up with solutions.

Empowerment: Children, Tweens, Teen Support Groups In Philadelphia

Teen Support group help Teens become more confident and autonomous. Teen Support group will help Teens learn how to find their voice to empower themselves to be comfortable with who they are, how they communicate, how they interact with others, and learning how to be leaders. Teens will learn the tools to speak up for themselves, peers, and family in the face of adversity.

Stress Management: Children, Tweens, Teen Support Groups In Philadelphia

Teens face stressful situations daily. The things that causes stress for Teens are school, peer relations, sibling interactions, family dynamics, neighborhood issues, cultural factors, family demands, and social issues, to name a few. Teens do not always know how to effectively express themselves. Females are more likely to internalize their feelings and males externalize, although there are exceptions to the rules.

Stress can manifest in many ways affecting the child and teen’s behaviors, sleeping patterns, eating patterns, physical symptoms, avoiding responsibilities, and lashing out at the people closest to them.

The Teen Support group will help Teens learn how to recognize their stress and how to manage it. The Teen Support group will teach mindfulness techniques to help Teens learn how they are personally affected by stress and how they can combat it.

The Teen Support group will use the following techniques throughout the ten week session to help Teens progress through the support group:

Peer accountability – The group members will hold each other accountable by building trust, respect and commitment. Peers will learn how to give constructive feedback and learn to be criticized in a respectful, empathetic, and supportive environment.

Cognitive-Behavioral – The group members will learn different techniques on how to challenge maladaptive thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors to improve their emotional regulation. Members of the group will learn how their actions can be affected by their beliefs and feelings.

Mindfulness – The group members will learn how their physicality can be affected by external stressors, how to identify how their body responds to external stressors, and how to focus and stay in the present moment. Medication will be practiced.

Psycho-education – The group members will learn how their developmental age can play a factor in the way they process their emotions and how they behave. They will learn techniques on how to problem solve and increase their communication in an empathetic and supportive environment.

Role Play – Role playing is the act of two or more people acting out a role in a particular scenario. The group members will role play different scenarios to help them become more confident with communication and facing adverse situations.

If you are interested in having your child or teen join this group, please call Christian Dozier at 267-297-1029 or email at [email protected].