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Search results: "mindfulness"

Mindfulness and Hunger Awareness

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Mindfulness and Hunger Awareness: Mindful Breathing Inventory Exercise Many people have difficult relationships with food and their own bodies. When we fall into the habit of judging our bodies, our choices, and even our desires…

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Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety

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Mindfulness meditation has gained significant popularity worldwide and has now become a mainstream practice with millions of people incorporating it into their daily routines. Mindfulness meditation can be a valuable tool for managing anxiety, especially…

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Why You Should Try Mindfulness

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Why You Should Try Mindfulness Therapy For many, 2021 has not been the magic cure for 2020. Last year we were dropped into an alternate universe of COVID-19, world wide protest, seemingly unending political ads…

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Mindful Eating with Gratitude

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Mindfulness practices, such as mindful eating, is a strategy we can use to be fully present when consuming foods by using our five senses to focus on the here and now. Mindful eating With Gratitude…

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How to become more present

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Mindfulness Therapy: How to become more present in your life. Do you find yourself often consumed in your thoughts and day to day worries? Do you find yourself talking on the phone while driving…

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Field of Protection

Field of Protection image

Field of Protection (Mindfulness and Spirituality Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe) In a culture that values doing over being, we are constantly striving towards the next thing on the to-do list…

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Getting in the Habit of Meditating

Getting in the Habit of Meditating image

If you’ve tried getting in the habit of meditating, you know that it’s hard. A recorded voice tells you to “follow your breath” and before you know it you’re off somewhere thinking about what to…

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Slowing Down Eating Binges

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For many people, sitting with an uncomfortable feeling such as anxiety, shame, sadness or anger can be intolerable. Behaviors like drinking, exercising, watching netflix and binge eating are all things our brains have developed to…

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The Power of Choice

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The power of choice: Life moves fast and expectations are bestowed upon us at rapid speed. We often fail to recognize how many choices we’re presented with throughout any given day of our lives. We…

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STOP Your Anxiety Now

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How to STOP (STOP your Anxiety Technique brought to you by therapists in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe) We have around 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts per day, and about 95% of them are from…

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Anxiety and the RAIN Method

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Anxiety and the RAIN Method Anxiety can sometimes feel like it can take over and there’s no escape. It can distract from school, work, sleep, and time with family and friends. It can make it…

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5 Steps to Mindful Eating

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Mindful Eating Food is not only a way to nourish your body, but has also become a way to socialize, cope, and entertain. Society has placed more attention on what you eat, how much you…

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My Feelings Matter Meditation

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My Feelings Matter: Introduction Introducing a meditation practice into your daily routine can be a powerful act that enhances focus and self-reflection. Carving out the time to meditate sends a message to yourself that your…

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Stressed Out Teens? Try Forest Bathing.

Stressed Out Teens? Try Forest Bathing. image

Stressed Out Teens: Try Forest Bathing This is a stressful time for teens and adolescents. School closings, restricted social activities, parents who may be out of work, and an uncertain future. Combine all of these…

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Accessing Your Wise Mind

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Considering the fast pace of our world, it is not surprising that we may engage in reactive responses or employ knee-jerk decisions. However, if we can find a way to gently disconnect from the noise…

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End Binge Eating with the Hunger Scale

End Binge Eating with the Hunger Scale image

Many people who struggle with binge eating have successfully disconnected from their bodies and their ability to sense hunger. This is because binges are triggered by uncomfortable emotions such as shame, sadness, anger or fear…

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Color Breathing Guided Meditation

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Deep breathing is a great tool to relax the body and mind by oxygenating the blood, slowing the heart rate and allowing the brain to function more effectively. Guided meditation and visualization allow the…

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The Chakras Explained

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What are Chakras? Chakras were first described in the ancient Hindu scriptures, known as The Vedas, which are the earliest Sanskrit literary records originating in India around 1500-500 BC. The Vedas contain wisdom on how…

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Spotting Grounding Technique

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During the COVID-19 Pandemic, negative feelings and emotions have increased. With having to be in the house for days on end, the mental health field has seen an increase in people's emotions and triggers being…

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DBT Distress Tolerance

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DBT Distress Tolerance Distress tolerance is one of the pillars of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, or DBT. As humans, we will inevitably experience stress, overwhelm and situations that are unfavorable and outside of our control…

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Non-Meditation is the Best Meditation

Non-Meditation is the Best Meditation image

Do you want to start a meditation practice? Is this your first time or have you tried many times before? Has mindfulness or concentration meditation left you feeling aggravated, bored or feeling like a failure…

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How Can Buddhism Make Me Happy?

How Can Buddhism Make Me Happy? image

Hey gang! Welcome to “How Can Buddhism Make Me Happy?” We’ll outline some lessons from Buddhism that can make you happier! This won’t be a systematic exploration of the religion or its philosophy, just a…

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Why Attend a Meditation Retreat

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In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, finding peace and tranquility can often seem like an elusive dream. The constant barrage of information, the demands of work, and the whirlwind of personal responsibilities…

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ACT Therapy: Accepting and Being Mindful

ACT Therapy: Accepting and Being Mindful image

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is about acknowledging our emotions from a non-judgmental standpoint, which equips the person to better handle uncomfortable emotional states. Impartial acceptance of emotions is very important with Acceptance and Commitment…

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Keeping a Spiritual Journal

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Keeping a Spiritual Journal : a tool used in mindfulness based practices. Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or have been on your current path for twenty years or more, keeping a spiritual journal…

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Benefits of Your Wise Mind

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In the late 1980’s, Dr. Marsha Linehan created a cognitive behavioral treatment known as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for chronic suicidal, self-injurious individuals who struggled with emotion regulation. A key component of DBT includes mindfulness…

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Essential Oils for Mental Health

Essential Oils for Mental Health image

What are Essential Oils? Essential oils have been used for thousands of years as a way to improve wellbeing. The first documented usage dates back to 3000-2500 B.C.E., where oils were used in medicinal…

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Healing from Trauma

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Trauma often robs us of the feeling that we are in charge of our lives. It can make us question the world and feel out of control in relation to our mind, body and emotions…

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Who Am I?

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Who Am I? Self-as-Context in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy The atoms that make up your body are constantly changing. The matter that makes it possible for you to think - atoms, making molecules, making cells…

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Your Inner Critic 

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Your Inner Critic’s Villain Origin Story (ideas from a therapist in philadelphia) Do you have an inner critic? An inner voice that speaks to you from time to time to tell you what you are…

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How To Feel Your Feelings

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How To Feel Your Feelings(Therapy in Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe, and Philadelphia) Maybe you’re going through a difficult break up, lost a job, or are dealing with another stressful life event. You’ve talked…

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Pillars of Well-Being

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Beginning your mental health journey? Want to be happier and healthier and curious where to start? Well, you’re in luck! In this post, we’ll discuss the pillars of well-being. The pillars of well-being are areas…

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RelaxedProgressive Muscle Relaxation

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Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercise: Are you suffering from anger, anxiety, or insomnia? Have you tried countless breathing and relaxation exercises to no avail? Progressive Muscle Relaxation may be right for you! Created by physician Edmund…

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Stress-Free Mornings

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Reducing Stress in Your Morning Routine: Do you ever find yourself hitting the snooze button several times and then rushing to get out the door for work or school in a frenzy? Mornings can be…

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Tidying Up Your Mind

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Using the KonMari Method to Let Go of Unhelpful Core Beliefs You have likely heard about the Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. You may have spent hours binge watching it and wistfully imagining…

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Creating a Mantra Card

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In Hindu and Buddhist practices, mantras are considered sacred phrases that are sung or spoken in order to enhance concentration during meditation. These days, psychologists, yogis, and others have borrowed the term to mean a…

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Chakra Clearing

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PART 1: SENSING ENERGY True health encompasses the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual or energetic body. One way to tap into healing through the energetic body is to use the chakras, the spiraling vortexes of…

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Mindful Touch

Mindful Touch For Couples Exercise When it comes to sharing a life with your partner, it’s common to get lost in daily routines and forget about mindful touch. Mindful touch is an exercise that can…

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Unblocking The Throat Chakra

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Chakras are focal points of energy located in 7 different areas throughout the human body. The word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit, which typifies how energy comes into the body and is turned through…

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Showers, SAD, and Sexual Desire

Showers, SAD, and Sexual Desire image

Any time individuals feel body insecurity, hypersomnia, and other symptoms of depression, their sex life will most likely be affected. In most cases, if you’re not happy, you’re not horny. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can…

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Sensory Processing Concerns Post COVID-19

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Sensory Processing Disorder (Hyper Sensitivity) in Adults and Post COVID-19 What is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)? A Sensory Processing Disorder is how your senses (Hear, Smell, Taste, Touch, & See) affects how your brain processes…

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What are Meta-Emotions?

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What are Meta-Emotions? We’ve all heard of emotions. But have you ever heard about meta-emotions? Mindfully noticing and addressing our meta-emotions can be a powerful tool to reduce suffering and relieve shame and guilt as…

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Practicing Gratitude

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Practicing Gratitude Practicing gratitude is important. It can be very easy to focus on the negatives in life. Our society is built so that we see problems and fix them, before moving onto the next…

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Finding Meaning in Healing

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Finding Meaning in Healing : Your Healing Journey You may be here, reading “Finding Meaning in Healing”, and or be in therapy, because something is just off. You may feel stuck, lost, impatient, worried…

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Text Anxiety

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Text Anxiety : Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville & Santa Fe Text anxiety occurs when you experience excess worry related to sending or receiving a text message. This can include feeling anxious after sending…

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Tonglen for Difficult Moments

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Feeling down? Depressed? Anxious? Angry with someone? Particularly lonely? Want to feel peaceful, joyful and connected to something larger? Well, there’s good news! There’s a Tibetan Buddhist practice called Tonglen that can help transform difficult…

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for FND

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) offers a promising approach for individuals with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). FND is a complex condition characterized by neurological symptoms without a clear medical explanation, which can be distressing and…

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Stuck in a Cycle of Pain

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Stuck in a Cycle of Pain: How to Get Unstuck from a Cycle of Unwanted Thoughts, Feelings, or Behaviors. Perhaps you found this tip because you Googled something like “Why do I feel this way.”…

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Caring for the Caretaker

Caring for the Caretaker image

Caring for the Caretaker: While On the Job: Nanny Edition We all know caring for the caretaker, or self-care for those in caretaking positions, can feel daunting. For a nanny, the line between work…

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10 Tips for Adults with ADHD

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Therapy in Philadelphia - 10 Tips for adults with ADHD: ADHD Therapy in Philadelphia, PA, Mechanicsville VA, Ocean City NJ, Providence RI, Santa Fe NM 1) Consider an organizational specialist who can come to your…

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Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)

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Pet therapy, or Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) refers to the use of animals in therapy as part of the treatment process. Animal Assisted Therapy ( AAT ) attempts to improve a human’s physical, social, emotional…

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A Gratitude Tree

A Gratitude Tree image

Fighting Anxiety Through the Act of Giving Thanks - A Gratitude Tree - Anxiety is a disease of the negative mind. Many of those who suffer with anxiety struggle to see the positive side…

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About Loss

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Grief & Loss Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe: Loss: Lost your job, your home, a loved one, a beloved pet? There are many forms of loss, and all are felt individually…

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Accepting Your Partners Limitations

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Understanding Your Partner's Limitations: Couples Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe No one is perfect. Everyone has their limitations. This concept of learning to accept your partner's limitation is especially important as we…

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All or Nothing Thinking

All or Nothing Thinking image

Cognitive Therapy in Philadelphia: "All or Nothing Thinking" "All or nothing thinking" is commonly referred to as “black and white thinking.” This type of thinking is unrealistic, and limiting. "All or nothing thinking" limits…

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Negative Emotions

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Allowing ourselves to feel negative emotions is tough. Society is hyper focused on productivity: do whatever you need to do to get through the day. “Time is money. I should eat lunch at my desk…

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Analingus image

Analingus, defined by Sex Therapy in Philadelphia is also known as rimming, anal-oral sex, is the act of kissing, licking and/or sliding one’s tongue in and out of another individual’s anus. The receiver usually experiences…

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Anger image

Anger / Anger Management Therapy in Philadelphia, Mechanicsville, Ocean City, Santa Fe Recently you've recognized that your anger is no longer manageable, and acting on your irritability seems like the only way you can cope…

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Anorexia and the Doctor

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Anorexia And The Doctor: The doctor’s visit the doctor is an essential part of the treatment team with Anorexia. This doctor may also need to make appropriate referrals such as to an Endocrinologist and/or a…

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Anorexia in Adolescents

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Anorexia in Adolescents / Therapy in Philadelphia Ideally, adolescence is about the process of developing a healthy independence from parents, adjusting to the physical changes of puberty, and developing a personal identity. With Anorexia Nervosa…

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Anorexia Nervosa

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Anorexia Nervosa: Is a psychological disorder characterized by an obsession to be thin and a distorted body image that drives people to be medically underweight. Criteria Used in Making a Diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa:

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Anxiety image

Anxiety can be defined as a heightened physical and psychological state wherein individuals often experience a myriad of uncomfortable symptoms such as rapid heart beat, rage, headaches, and hot flashes, brought on by the introduction…

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Anxiety and Drug Use

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Anxiety and Drug Use: Whether or not you have a predisposition to anxiety, it is important to understand how drug use plays a part in your mind and body connection. This goes beyond your typical…

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Anxiety Attacks in the Workplace

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Anxiety Attacks in the Workplace: You are in an important meeting at work when out of nowhere you begin to tremble. Your heart starts racing. You feel nauseated. A sense of confusion comes over you…

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Attachment Theory

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A client once told me that the one thing he would have liked to know prior to starting therapy is that “your unbiased opinion you’re paying for is still biased, the therapist has their…

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Binge Eating Disorder Criteria

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What is binge eating disorder criteria for a DSM diagnosis? Symptoms much occur for a minimum of six months.The individual does not engage in compensatory behavior such as purging, fasting, excessive exercise, laxative abuse and…

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Building a Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Network

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Building a gay, lesbian, bisexual network: therapy in philadelphia, ocean city, mechanicsville, santa fe. Do you feel isolated and alone? Are you confused about your sexuality? Or worry about how those around you will respond…

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Bulimia Nervosa

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Bulimia Nervosa is a Psychological disorder characterized by preoccupation with body image and binge eating followed by some type of purging (e.g. laxative abuse, vomiting) in an attempt to compensate for the binge. The nature…

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Causes of Prenatal and Postpartum Depression

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Postpartum Depression Therapy in Philadelphia: Prenatal and postpartum depression are considered to be a type of mood disorder. Prenatal depression and postpartum depression are caused by a combination of hormonal changes and life stressors. During…

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Changing All or Nothing Thinking

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Cognitive Therapy in Philadelphia: Changing All or Nothing Thinking How do I change ‘all or nothing thinking’? All-or-nothing thinking, also known as black-and-white thinking, is a type of cognitive bias that can lead to negative…

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Changing Careers

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Job Satisfaction: Things To Think About Before Changing Careers Scenario 1 - changing careers So you start at a new job, maybe your first job in a real career. You fill in all the paperwork…

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Choosing Spirituality

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Choosing Spirituality: people often refer to ‘being called’ to their current spiritual path, or even to ‘finding a higher power’ in one place or another. One term denotes a sort of accidental approach to spirituality…

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Coming Out To Parents

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Coming out to biased parents: The realization and acceptance of one’s own sexuality is an exciting and anxiety-provoking journey. Initially you may want to tell every person you know that you are lesbian, gay, bisexual…

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Coping with Grief

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Coping with Grief: every one of us will have to deal with loss at some time in our life. Losses come in many forms both large and small, such as loss of a job, a…

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Couple's Sculpting Exercise

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Are you and your partner in need of a up for a better understanding about the status of your relationship? We inspect our cars every year, but forget to reevaluate our relationships as time goes…

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Couples and Money

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Couples Therapy in Philadelphia , Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe/ Couples & Money (for people with shared bank accounts) Now that you are married or in a long-term relationship, your significant other’s style of spending…

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Couples Therapy: I Am Check Ins

Couples Therapy: I Am Check Ins image

Are you and your partner considering couples therapy? One of the most important things to know is that you need to do work at home as well as in session. Couples therapy is designed to…

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Creating a Grief Collage

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Creating a Collage to Cope with Grief Dealing with a loss of a loved one is tough work. Grieving involves a variety of different emotions such as sadness, anxiety, anger, despair, loneliness, etc. All of…

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Critical Weight

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Critical Weight what does critical weight mean? Critical weight is the minimum weight a person needs to be for their body to maintain a minimal level of health. Critical weight may not be enough for…

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Denial image

Center for Growth / Grief Therapy in Philadelphia - Denial: the stage of denial, like all other stages of grieving, effects different people in different ways. Some people experience almost no period of denial or…

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Dissecting Panic

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Dissecting Panic: Getting at the root of your anxiety Panic is a real and debilitating manifestation of underlying anxiety. Designed in our prehistoric ancestors to protect the race from extinction by inducing the proper response…

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Eating Disorder Feeling List

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Eating Disorder Treatment Help Eating disorder feeling list: observe and recognize your feelings. Learn to build a vocabulary for your feelings. Are You Feeling? Sad Disappointed Defeated Frustrated Angry Tired Stuck Helpless Resentful Misunderstood Irritated…

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Effects of Drinking Water on a Diet

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Effects of drinking water on a diet: while staying hydrated is important, drinking too much water is unnecessary and can even be medically dangerous. Drinking too much water can cause the level of salt in…

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Emotional Eating Quiz

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Emotional Eating Quiz: to determine if you are an emotional eater, ask yourself the following questions * 1) Do you eat food instead of processing negative or overwhelming emotions?* 2) Do you frequently place other…

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Emotional Labor and Relationships

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When we think of labor, we often associate it with the physical components; work, chores, and projects quickly come to mind. However, labor also involves the emotional realm, which often connects to our romantic relationships…

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Expectations For Marriage Counseling

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How do you know what you should expect out of marriage counseling? The tip, Expectations For Marriage Counseling, will help guide your expectations for marriage counseling regardless of the presenting issue you two are having…

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Fibromyalgia and Mental Health

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Many people in Philadelphia are affected by fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness that causes widespread pain throughout the body, and often affects mental health. Depression and anxiety often accompany fibromyalgia and may worsen physical…

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Finding Motivation To Change

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Therapy in Philadelphia: Finding motivation to change: Do you have a bad habit that you want to change? Do you find that no matter what you try, you keep falling back into the same patterns…

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Gambling Compulsion Recovery Near Me

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Gambling compulsion recovery tips Philly, Richmond, Ocean City, Santa Fe Acknowledge to yourself that you have a problem.Tell someone that you have a problem. Ideally this would be a friend or family member. If you…

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Gamblers frequently also suffer from

Gamblers frequently also suffer from image

Gambling addicts frequently also suffer from . . . People who suffer from a gambling problems may also have, or have experienced, Anxiety Disorders: Gambling can cause a person to develop anxiety. Suddenly they have…

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Healthy Narcissism

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The concept of healthy narcissism isn’t often talked about or even encouraged. When narcissism is discussed, it tends to be painted as something negative. You hear stories of narcissists being self-involved, grandiose, and very critical…

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Healthy Snacks

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What do you mean by a healthy snack? a healthy snack is smaller and ideally less calories than a meal. The portion size and nutrition content will vary from person to person depending upon the…

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Healthy Weight

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What is a healthy weight? generally speaking, you want to maintain a weight that falls within the ‘healthy weight range’ according to the BMI index. It is important to remember that your goal weight should…

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How common is Bulimia Nervosa

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How common is Bulimia Nervosa? Bulimia affects 1% to 4% of the population. It is more common than Anorexia but usually more difficult for friends and family to detect. Approximately 1% to 3% of middle…

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How common is obesity?

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How common is obesity and what exactly does that term mean? Obesity affects between 5% and 10% of the population. Obesity means that a person is at least 20% or more above their ideal…

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How Do I find My Spirituality

How Do I find My Spirituality image

How do I find my spirituality: discovering one’s personal spiritual path is a moving, important experience. Today’s climate of tolerance makes the necessary resources available to you in your quest to unearth your spiritual preferences…

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How to Come Out to Family

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How to Come Out to Members of Your Family: The mere thought of sharing with your family that you are questioning your sexual orientation can be anxiety producing. You have no way of knowing how…

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How To Disarm A Narcissist

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Now that we’ve answered the question, “What is a narcissist,” let’s get specific about ways to manage these interactions on a regular basis. Below are several practical strategies to disarm a narcissist. Interacting with someone…

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How to Keep Romance Alive After Kids

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How To Keep The Romance Alive After Kids: Couples Counseling in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Santa Fe, Mechanicsville: The power of an infant’s smile, coo, or laughter is unimaginable. Some people report feeling an overwhelming, primal…

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How To Nurture Your Relationship

How To Nurture Your Relationship image

Showing Your Lover You Care with Actions: How To Nurture Your Relationship Are you and your partner struggling with intimacy? Do you find you and your partner often argue about tasks being incomplete, or needs…

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Identifying Your Boundaries

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Identifying Your Boundaries: Boundaries are “guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify for him- or herself that are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around him or her…

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Improving Relationships

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Couples Counseling / Marriage Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe Improving Relationships - Requires Taking Action depending on the severity of the imbalance in your relationship, you may want to seek help from…

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In the Mind of Someone With Anorexia

In the Mind of Someone With Anorexia image

In the mind of someone with anorexia: people with Anorexia often report the illness give them an identity, a sense of pride, and a feeling that they are unique… In my own sessions providing counseling…

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Internet Compulsions

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Internet Compulsive Behavior is just that. It is a compulsive use of and / or dependence on the Internet Signs of an Internet Compulsion: * More time with online friends than with real friends* Online…

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Job Hunt Slump

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JOB-HUNT SLUMPJob Search Got You Down? Here’s How to Keep Your Head Up Getting started in a new career can be tough. Job searching often means a lot of grunt work wading through lists of…

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WorryKnowing When Its More Than Worry

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Center for Growth / Anxiety and Panic Disorder Treatment in Santa Fe, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Philadelphia - Knowing When It’s More Than Worry We all feel nervous sometimes – before speaking in public, when getting…

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Loving a Narcissist

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Loving a narcissist Narcissistic individuals are great at drawing people in. They are so great in fact, that it’s pretty easy for anyone to fall in love with a narcissist. Narcissists can be a blast…

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Major Depression and Dysthymic disorder

Major Depression and Dysthymic disorder image

MAJOR DEPRESSION (Sometimes referred to as clinical depression) * Symptoms will be present for a minimum of two weeks.* For a diagnosis of major depression, one of the five symptoms must include either depressed mood…

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Males with Anorexia Nervosa

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Center for Growth / Anorexia Therapy in Philadelphia, Mechanicsville, Ocean City, Santa Fe Males with Anorexia Nervosa: Approximately 5 % to 10 % of people with Anorexia are male. Unfortunately, there is currently not a…

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Medication for Adult ADHD

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The goal of medication for Adult ADHD is to reduce hyperactivity, increase attention and the ability to focus, and to reduce impulsive behaviors. Stimulant medication is generally the most effective medication for the treatment of…

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Multicultural Competence with Clients

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Multicultural Competence with Clients: If you’re a psychologist, marriage counselor, social worker, psychiatrist or clinical therapist, it’s important to have a level of multicultural competence with clients, as it allows you to understand your background…

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Narcissism: Common Thought Patterns

Narcissism: Common Thought Patterns image

Narcissism: Common Thought Patterns: Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe Narcissism is beyond the notion that one is “vain”. The personality Narcissism Disorder often develops from childhood experiences that create thought patterns, or…

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Narcissism: The concerns and pitfalls

Narcissism: The concerns and pitfalls image

Narcissism: The concerns and pitfalls : Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe We have all been in contact with a narcissist. Whether you’ve been around a person who insists on being the center…

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Obesity image

Obesity affects between 5% and 10% of the population. The rate is rising. Obesity means that a person has a bmi (body mass index) of 30 or above. People within this category may have higher…

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Parenting Your ADHD Child

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Parenting your ADHD Child ADHD Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, and Santa Fe: When your child receives a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or its quieter cousin, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) you…

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Pet therapy: Casey’s Depression

Pet therapy: Casey’s Depression image

Pet therapy: Casey’s Depression What people don’t know about depression is that a lot of times there is no reason for the unhappiness; there doesn’t need to have been a traumatic experience to feel depression…

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Plan for Reducing Anxiety

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Center for Growth / Anxiety Treatment Developing a plan of action for reducing anxiety. One of the best ways for reducing anxiety is to be prepared for the sensation of anxiety. To be prepared…

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Practical Spirituality

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Practical Spirituality: Identifying the spiritual element in everyday life When we think of spirituality, we conjure images of fantastical settings and beings, gilded halls of religious worship containing exotic artifacts, studied and eccentric holy men…

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PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder image

What does PTSD stand for? PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Who gets PTSD?Anyone who has been exposed to trauma could possibly develop PTSD. It is estimated that of people who experience trauma, a…

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Replacing Triggers

Replacing Triggers image

Replacing Triggers: Focusing on Anti-Anxiety Alerts Anxiety triggers are key circumstances that engage the anxiety response. Some people may find that crowds trigger their anxiety. Others may discover that deadlines, office meetings, or even certain…

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Resolving an Argument

Resolving an Argument image

Couples Therapy in Philadelphia : Fair Fighting Techniques - Resolving an argument Successfully resolving an argument requires: Bringing the issue up in the moment. By stating what is happening in the moment, gives both…

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Resting Metabolic Rate

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Resting metabolic rate (RMR): The minimum calorie requirement of a person at rest.OUR GUARANTEE: you deserve the best therapist. If you don't feel like the therapist that you met with was the right fit, then…

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Risk factors for Prenatal Depression

Risk factors for Prenatal Depression image

Prenatal depression is a type of depression that occurs during pregnancy. It can cause symptoms such as sadness, anxiety, fatigue, and difficulty bonding with the unborn baby. Risk Factors for Prenatal Depression & Postpartum Depression…

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Ritual Spirituality

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Ritual Spirituality: Tools for Positive Change Spirituality is mystifying to many because of its unseen qualities. That something so abstract could carry such a profound affect on the human psyche makes the spiritual quest both…

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Self Care After the Election

Self Care After the Election image

America’s dysfunctions are the highlights of the news. Candidates pointed their fingers at their opponent(s). They dodged answering important questions and continuously displayed reactivity. Therapists teach their clients to grow out of the maladaptive behavior…

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Sex Compulsions and Shame

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Sex compulsion and shame When it comes to sex compulsion, shame plays a significant role. Shame is a primary drive and trigger in sex compulsion, from having shame and guilt for the sexual acting…

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Sexual Trauma and Shame

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Sexual Trauma and Shame: Trauma Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Santa Fe, Mechanicsville There are many aspects of shame that can develop for a survivor of sexual trauma. Here at the Center for Growth in…

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Signs and Symptoms of Stress

Signs and Symptoms of Stress image

Center for Growth /Stress Therapy in Philadelphia Stress is a condition that occurs in response to actual or anticipated difficulties in life. The psychological signs and symptoms of stress: The tendency to worry too…

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Skin Picking Treatment

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Skin picking is considered a Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior Disorder which effects up to 5% of the population. Examples of skin picking include, but are not limited to: picking acne or scabs, scratching itchy skin until…

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Sleep and Binge Eating

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Binge Eating Disorder Treatment in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Providence, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe: Sleep and Binge Eating: In the U.S., the prevalence of obesity across the board—men, women, all age groups, income levels and ethnicities—is…

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Space for Emotional Availability

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Space for Emotional Availability: There are two kinds of “space” one has in this world. The space that a person has in their own head, and the space that a person takes up within their…

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Speaking Up

Speaking Up image

Speaking Up: men and women have been equal in modern America for several decades. They can work the same jobs, take the same roles in military and politics, and they have the same rights in…

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Spiritual Connection

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Spiritual Connection: one of the primary benefits of pursuing a spiritual path is the feeling of ‘connectedness’ that often follows as a result. Human beings are innately social creatures. We long for touch, social stimulation…

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Spirituality As My Moral Compass

Spirituality As My Moral Compass image

Spirituality As My Moral Compass: morality is the set of standards by which we deem something, particularly conduct or behavior, good or bad. Morals, our personal principles in regard to ethical living, derive from many…

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Staging Anxiety to Uncover Your Triggers

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Center for Growth / Anxiety Treatment in Philadelphia- Staging Anxiety to Uncover Your Triggers: anxiety can be a debilitating diagnosis for many of its victims. Often, it feels as though it strikes without warning, leaving…

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Strategies for New Moms

Strategies for New Moms image

Strategies for New Moms to Survive the First Few Weeks After Delivery: during the first few weeks after delivery you might feel overwhelmed, exhausted, scared, sad, tired, happy, thrilled, energized and / or elated. It…

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Stress image

Stress: everyone has their own definition of stress. For a young mother at home with her children it may be when everyone is crying at the same time. For a commuter who is already late…

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Stress Management Techniques

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Stress Management Techniques: dealing with stress might seem like a battle that you can never win, but you can learn how to manage the stress in your life. Stress left untreated can get worse. Here…

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The 5 Stages of Grief

The 5 Stages of Grief image

Classically, therapists believed there were 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These stages of grief comprise a lifetime process, and are not an end in themselves. Each stage may reoccur throughout…

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The Deceptive Behaviors of Anorexia

The Deceptive Behaviors of Anorexia image

Therapy in Philadelphia: The Deceptive Behaviors of Anorexia - remember these behaviors are not acceptable but they are part of the illness. Separate the illness from how you love the person suffering from Anorexia.

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The Gifts of Shame

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The Gifts of Shame Shame Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Santa Fe, Mechanicsville Shame tends to be viewed as this negative emotion that we shouldn’t talk about, let alone experience. Very seldom do people talk…

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The Power of Compliments

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The Power of Compliments: compliments can become few and far between in relationships, and worse, the compliments can often become stale or too general. As nice as it is to hear someone say, “You look…

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The Power of Rituals When Grieving

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Center for Growth / Grief Therapy in Philadelphia, Providence, Ocean City, Mechanicsville The power of rituals when grieving: How to Honor a Loved One’s Memory Whether you lost a loved one a few months ago…

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The Self Esteem Workout

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Center for Growth / Self Esteem Therapy in Philadelphia, Providence, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe: Increasing confidence and self esteem. Self esteem is a measure of how favorable you rate your abilities and value as…

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Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa

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Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa -what to expect: Treatment of the client with Anorexia usually requires close attention to medical, psychiatric, and nutritional components of the disease. If someone has Anorexia, their therapist should be…

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Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa in Philadelphia

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Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa in Philadelphia / Center for growth WHAT IS TREATMENT LIKE FOR ANOREXIA NERVOSA? Treatment of the client with Anorexia usually requires close attention to medical, psychiatric, and nutritional components of the…

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Types of Cohabitating Couples

Types of Cohabitating Couples image

Set yourselves up for cohabitating success by addressing the issues discussed in How to Move in with Your Lover*. This tip is about the common couple types to help you create the cohabitating relationship you…

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Understanding Hypermobility Syndromes

Understanding Hypermobility Syndromes image

Each year, thousands of Americans are diagnosed with hypermobility syndromes, including Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, joint hypermobility syndrome, and Marfan syndrome. These conditions are chronic illnesses; although the symptoms can be treated and the syndromes can be…

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Unwanted Advice

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Pregnancy and Postpartum Therapy in Philadelphia , Ocean City, Santa Fe, Mechanicsville: Ways to Handle Unwanted Advice During pregnancy, you might have noticed that random strangers started smiling more at you. The majority of people…

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Valentines Day for Couples with Kids

Valentines Day for Couples with Kids image

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and many couples will begin the conversation about how will they celebrate this year, (or at least every couples therapist will tell you they should). There are many…

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Visualization Technique Part One

Visualization Technique Part One image

Anxiety Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Santa Fe, Mechanicsville : Visualization Technique Part One: visualization and imagery are powerful weapons in the arsenal against anxiety. Whether guided by a therapist at the Center for Growth…

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Visualization Technique Part Two

Visualization Technique Part Two image

Center for Growth / Anxiety Therapy in Philadelphia, ocean city, mechanicsville, santa fe Visualization Technique Part II Learning the power of visualization and guided imagery through the construction of a safe place is key to…

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Ways to Improve Self Esteem

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Self-Esteem Therapy Philadelphia Ways to improve self esteem: Each day take a few minutes and tell yourself that you are important. Remind yourself that no one is perfect. Everyone is a work in progress. People…

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What is a Doula?

What is a Doula? image

What is a doula: A Doula is a coach to support parents-to-be during this transitionary period of labor & delivery as well as the few first few days after the baby is born. A doula…

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What is a narcissist?

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What is a narcissist? Personality Disorder Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville (as opposed to a healthy narcissist) WHAT The term “narcissism” is often thrown around as a synonym for someone who is self-absorbed. While…

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What is a Panic Attack?

What is a Panic Attack? image

Panic Attack Treatment in Philadelphia What is a panic attack: Panic attacks can be devastating for the people suffering from them and mystifying for their friends and loved ones. Although they are different…

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What is Anxiety?

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Anxiety Treatment in Philadelphia What is Anxiety: suddenly you’re overcome with an intense fear or sense of gloom. You feel as though you want to run, but don’t know why. You’re restless, unable…

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What is Codependency?

What is Codependency? image

Center for Growth / Codependency Therapy in Philadelphia, Santa Fe, Ocean City, Mechanicsville: Codependency This tip is to provide you with the typical characteristics of people who struggle with codependency, a brief history of the…

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What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? image

Center for Growth / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Philadelphia, Santa Fe, Ocean City, Mechanicsville Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a prominent evidence-based therapeutic process developed by Aaron Beck in the 1960s. CBT is a form…

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What is Trauma?

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What is Trauma? From a trauma counseling therapist’s perspective, trauma is defined as a deeply disturbing experience, which can be sexual, physical and / or emotional. Here at the Center for Growth in Philadelphia, we…

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When You Think About Touching Yourself

When You Think About Touching Yourself image

For men who want to learn more ways to touch themselves and experience pleasure without ever engaging sex therapy: People have an amazing ability to feel pleasure based off of touch alone. Touching yourself is…

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Will This Relationship Last

Will This Relationship Last image

Will this relationship last? Relationship and Marital Problems: The answer is simple, it all depends upon how determined each individual is to make the relationship work. If two people want to make the relationship last…

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Working Towards Healing After a Loss

Working Towards Healing After a Loss image

Grief Therapy in Philadelphia - Working Towards Healing After a Loss developing a plan of action First and foremost, acknowledge your loss. Recognize that your life, your activities, your relationship with the person…

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“Big T” versus “little t” Trauma

“Big T” versus “little t” Trauma image

The Center for Growth Offers Trauma Counseling in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe, Providence If you’re questioning whether you might have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), this tip can be helpful in identifying the type…

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Sensate Focus Touching for Body Image

Sensate Focus Touching for Body Image image

Do you struggle with your body image? Do you feel out of touch with your sexuality? These concerns are common for women throughout their lifespan. Body image is defined as one's thoughts and feelings about…

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Babyloss and Mother's Day

Babyloss and Mother's Day image

Mother's day is just around the corner, and no doubt you've seen a growing number of ads on social media inviting families to "celebrate" the special mothers in their lives through a variety of ways…

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Grieving and Coping

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It's been said that the intensity of your grief is equal to the intensity of your love. Therefore, it's no surprise that grief hits all of us a little differently, and there's no one true…

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Overcoming Negativity Bias

Overcoming Negativity Bias image

Overcoming negativity bias is far more complicated than most people imagine. Though we often split the world into optimists and pessimists, the reality is our brains are hypervigilant to threats; therefore, we inherently have a…

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Babyloss and Naming

Babyloss and Naming image

What's in a Name? Deciding whether to Name the Baby You Lost. I've known, unfortunately, many women who lost babies during various stages of pregnancy. I've walked beside them as they struggled to make meaning…

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Virtual Reality Therapy Services

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VIRTUAL REALITY: AT THE FOREFRONT OF TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES WITH 3D SIMULATIONS TO TREAT MENTAL DISORDERS The Center for Growth offers Virtual Reality (VR) as one of their innovative services for mental health with the aim…

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Stopping Anxious Thoughts

Stopping Anxious Thoughts image

Our prefrontal cortex is one of our greatest developmental achievements and challenges. On the one hand, it allows us to perform complex executive functions (e.g., problem solving, judgement, memory, impulse control, etc.); on the other…

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Resolving Shame

Resolving Shame image

Resolving Shame: Shame Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe What exactly is shame? Shame is the feeling that results from how we negatively judge ourselves about an action we did. Actions that create…

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Differentiation Strategies

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You read the tip on mismatched differentiation for those who feel healthier in their relationships. Now, what do you do about it? How do you fix something that takes two of you? You are in…

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Babyloss and Holidays

Babyloss and Holidays image

Coping with Babyloss during the Holidays: It's a magical time of year: snow may be beginning to fall, ornaments are hanging delicately from Christmas trees, and decorations appear across neighborhood lawns. Maybe you've begun to…

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Winter Relaxation Exercise

Winter Relaxation Exercise image

Winter can be a stressful time of year. Between weather changes, the holiday shopping frenzy, and deciding which relatives to visit first, you may feel the tension building already. For many, winter also brings an…

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Codependent Couples

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Codependent Couples: Couples Counseling in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe How to Heal from being Codependent on your Partner Codependency, a popular buzz-word today in many social circles, is still often misunderstood in relationships…

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Mourning Your Affair Partner

Mourning Your Affair Partner image

Losing anyone you love is difficult. But losing an affair partner is difficult and complicated. This is because you may be excluded from normal mourning activities and rituals, and may not be able to reach…

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Marina France

Marina France image

Marina France Resume Center for Growth May 2019-PresentTherapist and Manager of Quality Assurance Provide weekly individual and couples therapy, drawing upon relational, psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness techniques to tailor treatment to specific client and…

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Creativity and Babyloss

Creativity and Babyloss image

After the loss of a much-wanted pregnancy, the last thing on your mind may be creativity, and that's understandable. The early days of grief feel so very physical, and that's because there is a large…

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PCOS and Mental Health

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How Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Can Impact Your Mental Health Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is a chronic health condition characterized by hormonal imbalance in people with ovaries. It can also, but not always, include cysts…

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Asking for Help

Asking for Help image

Asking For Help: Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe Asking for help may seem easy for some and difficult for others. Usually it is not asking for help itself that is the issue…

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Couples: Talking About Money

Couples: Talking About Money image

Couples: Talking about money can be really hard - it’s a subject that’s as taboo (if not more) than sex. Everyone is raised with different attitudes towards money, and they carry these values and expectations…

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Moving Toward Emotional Availability

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Whether it be a discussion among close friends or your significant other, moving toward emotional availability may sound easy, but it can be very difficult to be emotionally available to another person, especially your…

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Having Difficult Conversations

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Choosing to have an abortion is never easy. Many difficult considerations come into play, and the decision is never taken lightly. However, in the aftermath of abortion, you may find yourself encountering others who have…

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Feeling Stuck in Therapy

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Being in therapy can be a wonderful experience. You have the opportunity to increase your insight, sharpen your emotional intelligence, and resolve maladaptive habits. However, despite the many merits of therapy, there are some…

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Beat Anxiety and Worry

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Beat Anxiety and Worry; As a human being, chances are that you have a lot of first-hand experience of worry and anxiety, and you might even identify as someone with especially high anxiety or stress…

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Managing Anxiety During Self-Isolation

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As we move into Philadelphia’s 2nd week of self-isolation, it’s normal to feel anxious. Information about COVD-19 is continually updating, normal routines have been shifted, and in-person social support systems have been disrupted. It’s hard…

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Dealing with Death during COVID-19

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Though it first emerged and made headlines at the end of last year in China, COVID-19 has been formally impacting our way of life in the United States for well over two months. Current statistics…

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The Boundary Circle

The Boundary Circle image

Codependency Therapy: the boundary circle is a journaling exercise for anyone struggling to set boundaries in their interpersonal relationships. This is an exercise frequently used in codependency therapy. Boundaries by definition are guidelines, rules or…

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Getting Kinky

Getting Kinky image

Perhaps you and your partner have decided you’re going to try some new kinky activities in the bedroom buuuuuuut you’re not really sure what you and your partner are willing to try together. You know…

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Quality Time with Your Partner

Quality Time with Your Partner image

The term “quality time” in couples counseling is a commonly used phrase in the context of a close relationship, but most notably romantic relationships. This phrase sometimes has feelings attached to it that could…

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L&D or D&E?

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There are so many painful decisions involved from the moment you learn your baby is facing a life-limiting illness, or serious anomaly. With very little time to spare, parents are forced to determine if…

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Babyloss in Unintended Pregnancy

Babyloss in Unintended Pregnancy image

If we all had our way, parents would have total control over when and how they get pregnant: minimal trying, minimal effort, and an easy pregnancy journey. Unfortunately, this is not the reality. Sometimes…

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Therapy in a Rainbow Pregnancy

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Sometimes, getting pregnant again after babyloss is just the tip of the iceberg, and instead of feeling relief after seeing a positive test result, many loss parents feel dread. Though they wanted and hoped…

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Pregnant and Afraid?

Pregnant and Afraid? image

Finding out that you’re pregnant can feel very scary. Even if you had been hoping for a child, whether now or at some point in the future, it is common to experience some amount of…

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Worry Time

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Do you often find yourself worrying about events in the future? And not just worrying a little, sometimes worry that can get so big it stops you from wanting or being able to do anything…

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Are You Minding Your Food

Are You Minding Your Food image

Are You Minding Your Food? Mindfulness seems to be one of the new buzz words. If you google it or search in YouTube you’ll find tons of corresponding sites. Most people attribute it to breathing…

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Build Stability with Morning Routines

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Build Stability With Morning Routines: How Therapy Can Help Our lives can feel unpredictable, with change-- both expected and unexpected-- threatening to shake our foundation at any moment. Each one of us can build more…

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From Stress to Rest

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Do you have a hard time calming down once your body is in high gear, whether it be from stress, fear, or excitement? Do breathing exercises not really seem to work for you? In order…

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Shifting Gender Identity

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Shifting Gender Identity: Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechancsville, Santa Fe Do you feel your gender pulling you in a new direction lately? Sometimes it moves around and is hard to catch, pin down, and…

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Spot Love-Bombing In Action

Spot Love-Bombing In Action image

Spot Love Bombing In Action: Are you being love-bombed? New relationships are often full of excitement, anxiety, romance, confusion, surprises, and fun. In the midst of such strong feelings, it can be very difficult to…

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Self-Care For Teens

Self-Care For Teens image

Self-Care For Teens (Teen Therapy in Philadelphia, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe, Ocean CIty) Self-care is a phrase that is thrown around a lot, what does it really mean? Self-care for teens can be especially confusing, because…

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When Love Bombing Stops

When Love Bombing Stops image

What is Love Bombing? Narcissistic Abuse Therapy Recovery in Philadelphia PA, Mechanicsville VA, Ocean City NJ, Santa Fe NM Love bombing is a form of manipulation that occurs in the beginning stages of a relationship…

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Using Art Therapy To Explore Boundaries

Using Art Therapy To Explore Boundaries image

Boundaries get a lot of attention these days, for good reason. Boundaries are what separate you from others. Not physically or permanently, but boundaries are the invisible representations that differentiate you from any and everyone…

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Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)

Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) image

Living with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) can feel confusing and scary. There are not always clear answers and it may feel difficult to get the support you need from health care providers or loved ones…

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Diagnosed with Parkinson's

Diagnosed with Parkinson's image

Diagnosed with Parkinson’s What is Parkinson’s Disease? In the United States alone, over 200,000 individuals are diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease every year. Parkinson’s Disease affects the individual’s nervous system. Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder…

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Parentified During Childhood

Parentified During Childhood image

Parentified during childhood. What does the term “Parentified” mean? Being parentified means being forced or put into the position of a parent by your caregiver even though you are a child. The child is usually…

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Tolerating Distress in EMDR

Tolerating Distress in EMDR image

EMDR is a type of therapy that can help individuals who have had past traumatic experiences. Traumatic experiences are challenging to address and can create significant distress. Tolerating distress in EMDR Therapy is an important…

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Daughters of Narcissist Mothers

Daughters of Narcissist Mothers image

Daughters of Narcissist Mothers: Do you suspect that your mother might be a narcissist? Are you looking back at an unpleasant encounter from the past weekend with your mom that left you rattled and frustrated…

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The Harm of Food Morality in Orthorexia

The Harm of Food Morality in Orthorexia image

Defining Food Morality Every food serves a different nutritional purpose for us. Foods fuel our bodies through different nutrients. Eating a wide range of foods helps us naturally get many nutrients that keep our body…

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Healing Power of Soil

Healing Power of Soil image

When was the last time you got your hands the soil-kind-of-dirty? For gardeners, farmers, and all around dirt enthusiasts, this answer could be as recent as today. For most of us it turns out, the…

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What is DARVO?

What is DARVO? image

What is DARVO? (Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville & Santa Fe) A specific type of communication pattern that creates challenges in relationships is a pattern known as DARVO. While DARVO is an odd name…

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Holiday Survival Guide: Politics

Holiday Survival Guide: Politics image

Holiday Survival Guide: Politics / Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville & Santa Fe The holidays are an interesting time. The holidays can bring joy, grief, loneliness, thankfulness, and pretty much every other emotion. For…

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Recognizing Emotions After Being Parentified

Recognizing Emotions After Being Parentified image

Recognizing emotions after being parentified: Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville. If you were parentified as a child, you might have been used to being parent-like during childhood and bearing major responsibilities atypical for your…

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Blended Families With Teenage Children

Blended Families With Teenage Children image

Blended Families With Teenage Children: Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe Over the course of history the concept of family has greatly reconfigured itself. A large percentage of people have children from previous…

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Filipino American Mental Health

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The Impact of Internal Beliefs and External Perceptions of Filipino-Americans in Determining Access to Mental Health Filipino American Mental Health: Research Paper Topic To understand the need for mental health services among Filipino-Americans and identify…

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Trusting Yourself

Trusting Yourself image

At some point in the course of your life, you have probably heard someone say, “Just trust yourself.” While we may agree this is a good idea, it can be hard to understand and even…

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Social Media Overload

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Social Media Overload Whether it’s Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube or any other popular social media websites, if you have a teenager, more than likely they are deeply engaged with their social media family as you…

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Anxiety Around Eating in Public

Anxiety Around Eating in Public image

Anxiety Around Eating in Public Eating with other people can serve as a connection with others in our life. Eating in public is not always the easiest for everyone however. Some of us experience anxiety…

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Building Confidence: Self Esteem Therapy

Building Confidence: Self Esteem Therapy image

Journal Prompts for Building Confidence and Creating Change with a Growth Mindset: Self Esteem Therapy in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and VirginiaImagine someone asked you, “How was your day today?” What would you say? What would…

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What Does It Mean To Be Non-binary?

What Does It Mean To Be Non-binary? image

What does it mean to be non-binary? Someone who identifies their gender as “non-binary” is someone who feels their gender doesn’t align with the traditional notion of binary gender – man and woman – that…

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Emotional Invalidation in Relationships

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Sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with others is one of the most fulfilling ways to establish closeness, intimacy, and safety in a relationship. But when your emotions are dismissed, belittled, or questioned, that…

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You Deserve to Feel Safe at Home

You Deserve to Feel Safe at Home image

“Do you feel safe at home?” It has become commonplace to hear this question in a variety of healthcare settings, and it is a common question now to be asked when visiting your doctor’s office…

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Navigating Parental Caregiving

Navigating Parental Caregiving image

Deciding to take care of an aging parent for some is the ultimate act of love. It is a thankless way to show gratitude to your parent(s) for bringing you into this world and raising…

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Identify Your Defense Mechanisms

Identify Your Defense Mechanisms image

In the vast realm of human psychology, defense mechanisms play a crucial role in safeguarding our mental well-being. These mechanisms, operating beneath our awareness, act as psychological shields that help us navigate distressing emotions, conflicting…

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Hair Pulling Patterns: Trichotillomania

Hair Pulling Patterns: Trichotillomania image

Understanding your Hair Pulling Patterns: A hair pulling self-help monitoring tool: Treatment for Trichotillomania Have you ever caught yourself mindlessly pulling at your hair? Maybe you're scrolling through your phone or watching Netflix…

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Radical Self-Care Therapy

Radical Self-Care Therapy image

Radical Self-Care Therapy It can be difficult to find a self-care practice that works and has long-lasting results. Looking online for answers, it’s almost impossible to ignore the ads of the latest “mango sugar body…

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Therapy for Loneliness

Therapy for Loneliness image

Therapy for Loneliness: Loneliness, a deeply human emotion, can make us feel disconnected even in the company of others. Similar to grief, it doesn't always fit into neat categories or follow a straightforward path. Understanding…

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Tuning Into Boundaries

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How Do I Know if My Boundaries Are Being Respected or Violated? Our feelings act as our internal alarm system. At their core, alarms are a mechanism that alert us to distress or danger. Feelings…

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Learning About Boundaries

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We’ve all heard the word “boundaries.” Boundaries are a popular buzzword that have crossed from mental health and psychology circles into the mainstream. Boundaries are one of the most important gifts we can give ourselves…

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Opening Relationships- Therapist’s Guide

Opening Relationships- Therapist’s Guide image

Are you and your partner thinking about opening up your relationship but aren’t sure where to start? Jumping in head first without discussing boundaries, needs, expectations, and logistics might sound fun and exciting, or terrifying…

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Assessing Sexual Boundaries

Assessing Sexual Boundaries image

Whether you are single or in a committed relationship, assessing sexual boundaries and preferences can be difficult. Our awareness of our own individual sexuality can vary greatly based on our upbringing, education, experiences, communication, and…

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Depression and Your Basic Needs

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If you’re someone who lives with depression, you might find that caring for your basic needs can become very difficult during your depressive episodes. Essential and routine tasks like eating, bathing, and getting dressed every…

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Communicating Sexual Boundaries

Communicating Sexual Boundaries image

Recognizing when we have a boundary is challenging. Speaking our boundaries into existence can feel terrifying, especially when we have no idea how the other person is going to respond. While sexual boundaries may feel…

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Therapy Hangovers

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Therapy Hangovers Alcohol hangovers are the result of dehydration and electrolyte Imbalance. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it pulls out water in the form of excess urination which will create an electrolyte imbalance. Therapy…

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Exposure Therapy for Social Anxiety

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Exposure Therapy for Social Anxiety Many people struggle with social anxiety. It’s like having a tiny critic in your mind who will criticize and scrutinize you when you’re in social situations. It can make small…

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for FND

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an effective way to help manage Functional Neurological Disorders (FND). FND is a condition in which there is a malfunction in the way the brain receives and processes information to…

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Limerence and Narcissistic Tendencies

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You may have heard of limerence in passing, or it may be a new concept for you. The term itself, coined by psychologist Dorothy Tennov, Ph.D., is described as intense, overwhelming feelings of infatuation for…

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Treating Gender Dysphoria

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Gender dysphoria is a complex and deeply personal experience that affects individuals whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth. Understanding this condition, its treatment options, and strategies for managing it…

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InPerson Therapy & Virtual Counseling: Child, Teens, Adults, Couples, Family Therapy and Support Groups. Anxiety, OCD, Panic Attack Therapy, Depression Therapy, FND Therapy, Grief Therapy, Neurodiversity Counseling, Sex Therapy, Trauma Therapy: Therapy in Providence RI, Philadelphia PA, Ocean City NJ, Santa Fe NM, Mechanicsville VA